Monday, September 13, 2010

More reasons to re-think CA Prop. 19 - It may make things worse.

Divide and conquer is an old oppression tool. Instead of 'We The People' demanding that the president end hemp prohibition by Jack Herer Executive Order 420, we continue to participate in state fights over how much oppression we can stand.

Case in point is California's Prop. 19.  I don't live in California so I have no vote in Prop 19, the most shattering thing to hit the hemp movement in at least 50 years. People who have sacrificed everything for decades are being trashed for speaking out.  That's just wrong, wrong, wrong. It's time to get the devil out of the mix. The division and other forms of infighting are the opposite of what the Hemp Peace Pipe is suppose to accomplish, unity.

While listening to my favorite on line radio show Time4Hemp which broadcasts on the American Freedom Radio Network Casper Leitch had on my friend Richard M. Davis, founder and curator of the USA Hemp Museum . Richard rocked my world with his analysis of Prop. 19 to the point I posted in an effort to understand why.

Richard wrote in a series of blog entries on his HEMP FOR VICTORY NOW:

"Nowhere in Prop. 19 is the word legalization mentioned, not in the Purpose Section, not in the Intent Section, not at all. Look at the title of Prop 19: The Regulation, Control and Taxation of Cannabis Act of 2010. Regulation, Control and Taxation are the opposite of legalization...Any law such as Prop. 19 which does not give ironclad protection to our medical marijuana rights should be voted down. Prop. 19 in the Intent Section (c) says: “This Act is intended to limit the application and enforcement of state (Prop 215 and S.B. 420) and local laws (all of them) relating to possession, transportation, cultivation, consumption and sale of cannabis…” In Prop. 19 Section 11301: Commercial Regulation and Controls gives total control (“Notwithstanding any other provision of state or local law…) to 538 different local governments in California. Think about how unequal that makes our rights!"

I've been advocating a fair tax on most hemp and a recreational grade tax of 20% since the 1980's, so I agree that, like anything else purchased, it should be taxed.

So here's my questions for when I visit CA.

If Prop. 19 is passed, will we be free to smoke a joint when we want to?

Can we still go to jail for interacting with nature?

Will the folks in prison be free if Prop. 19 makes hemp legal?

How will we keep all the different laws straight as we travel through the state?

For more information Richard's blog entries are posted:

Of course, you're always welcome to come by the USA Hemp Museum,  and expand your hempucation.

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