I am blessed to be able to help produce a radio show series once a week about how hemp can help us solve our economic problems.
Time 4Hemp is produced and hosted by Casper Leitch and has been on the air for 20 years. The show is currently broadcast over the American Freedom Radio Network M-F 10a PT 1p ET to an audience of about a million people.
The series is in answer to the president's call for attention to the jobs crisis. His proposal for over $400 billion to create less than 2 million jobs is laughable compared to the hemp solution of 5 million jobs from a self financed crop grown with the wisdom of a national or international Hemp For Victory program.
Thousands of years of research continually prove that hemp is the solution to the world's economic, health, environmental and other problems. For example, hemp can be made into over 50,000 products. When each product has on 10 companies per product with only 10 jobs per company, that's 5 million jobs. The product known as medical marijuana already has more than 10 companies with 10 employees. Replicate that throughout the world and our economic problems are once again solved.
Thousands of years of research continually prove that hemp is the solution to the world's economic, health, environmental and other problems. For example, hemp can be made into over 50,000 products. When each product has on 10 companies per product with only 10 jobs per company, that's 5 million jobs. The product known as medical marijuana already has more than 10 companies with 10 employees. Replicate that throughout the world and our economic problems are once again solved.
The Pay Day Friday series is creating a wealth of information about how to apply the hemp solution. This week's upcoming show on Friday will feature Steve Levine, Director of Vote Hemp who will be discussing the many industrial applications that the plant makes available.
The first three guests spoke about an overview of which economic model to use for ease in incorporating hemp, the many products including energy that hemp provides and a dynamic look for why we need to solve the medical marijuana stupidity now.
The show's archive for the year is listed
http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Time_4_Hemp_11.htmlThe show's archive for the year is listed
Below are the links to the first three shows. The date is the link to the show on line at American Freedom Radio (or go to the Time4Hemp site and visit their archives for this and other great and informative programs). The long form web addresses are to the guest/host's site.
#Time4Hemp's PayDay Friday Joint-Guest is Dean Beckerdrugtruth.net/cms #change #marijuana #mmot #mmj #press #hemp#drugwar #media #p2
#Time4Hemp's PayDay Friday Joint-Guest is Gatewood Galbraithgatewood.com/site/ #change #marijuana #mmot #mmj #press #hemp #drugwar #media
#Time4Hemp LIVE 9/9/11 - 1-2 p.m.(EST); 10-11 a.m. (PST)AmericanFreedomRadio.com #change #marijuana #mmot #mmj #press #hemp #drugwar #media #p2
09/02/2011 Friday - Joint-Host, Paul Stanford, founder of http://www.hemp.org with guest Jay Greathouse, http://en-pi.facebook.com/people/Jay-Greathouse/100000045213009
In this show Jay explains how to use hemp to empower home based businesses using the economic model found in the information age businesses. He goes on to encourage self reliance as a survival tool.
Here's the live show twits - The first show Jay was explaining a complex economic model brilliantly. Please do not judge the number of twits to the material on the show. It's not easy on the spot to take a complex concept that takes minutes to explain into a quick 140 letter twit. I remember being blown away by what he was saying, 'of course that's the perfect economic model to use to get folks the information they need to run their Mom & Pop hemp businesses.' With such a big piece of the puzzle, laid out so brilliantly, I had forgot to type. There's a lot more where that came from on the shows.
If you can, make Time4Hemp and share what you learn. The future and the present will be glad you did. HEMP FOR VICTORY
If you can, make Time4Hemp and share what you learn. The future and the present will be glad you did. HEMP FOR VICTORY

#Time4Hemp LIVE 9/2/11 - 1-2 p.m.(EST); 10-11 a.m. (PST)AmericanFreedomRadio.com #change #marijuana #mmot #mmj #press #hemp #drugwar #jobs #mmj
Most recent first
'Jack Herer's book opened up so many to the possibilities that hemp presents.' Paul Stanford #Time4Hemp #change #press #marijuana

Ending hemp prohibition will "free ourselves from those who want to enslave us." Jay Greathouse #Time4Hemp #change #marijuana #mmot #press

"If you're not involved in the marijuana movement, you should be...Exercise free will." Jay Greathouse #Time4Hemp #change #press #marijuana

'Things seem better in Oregon, where hemp is easily available.' #Time4Hemp time4hemp.com #change #marijuana #drugwar #press #jobs
The other two shows in the series have the twitter posts listed below.
09/09/2011 Friday - Joint-Host, Paul Stanford, founder of http://www.hemp.org with guests Dean Becker, founder of http://www.DrugTruth.net and Gatewood Galbraith,http://www.Gatewood.com.
Short concepts filled the air during this show on the many products hemp provides opportunities in.
In the #drugwar 'I'm in the final stretch in a 40 year race to restore hemp to our nation.' Gatewood Galbrith #Time4Hemp #change #marijuana
We need to turn away from this synthetic cycle we're in & return to the natural cycle hemp provides. #Time4Hemp #change #marijuana #press
When hemp farming is legal we wouldn't have to import another drop of oil. 1 acre produces 20 barrels of oil per crop. #Time4Hemp #change
Gatewood Galbraith is on #Time4Hemp talking about the natural wealth spreading mechanism, HEMP #change #marijuana #economy #press #media #p2
'We must stand up for our kids & stop this drug war now' Dean Becker #Time4hemp #change #marijuana #mmot #mmj #press #jobs #economy #drugwar
We will prosper as we go back to our roots, turning away from toxic policies to become a hemp based culture. #Time4Hemp #press #change #mmj
Hemp is a basic, really great #economic enhancer. It's a raw material with up to 40,000 years of human interaction. #Time4Hemp #change #mmot
Int. Cannabis & Hemp Expo: America's 1st Marijuana Street Fair Lights Up Oakland huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/05/int… #Time4Hemp #change #press #mmot #mmj
Pay Day Friday series on #Time4Hemp - impact of re-legalizing #marijuana on #economy. americanfreedomradio.com #change #press #mmot #mmj #jobs
Visit the greatest minds in hemp converging daily for over 20 years. #Time4Hemp time4hemp.com #change #marijuana #press #media #mmot
09/16/2011 Friday - Joint-Host, Chad Nance, http://weirdloadreboot.com/blog/ with guest Debby Goldsberry, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=533722893.
"I love train wreck & it's probably a great name but I think we need to upgrade our nomenclature." Debbie Goldsberry #change #Time4Hemp
How to Become a Medical Marijuana Distributorehow.com/how_7552701_be… #Time4Hemp #change #marijuana #press #p2 #mmot #mmj #media #cannabis #p2
Oaksterdam University - Quality Training for #Cannabis Industryoaksterdamuniversity.com #change #Time4Hemp #press #media #mmot #mmj #marijuana
MarijuanaBusinessNews - Medical Marijuana Dispensary Guide - Club Checklist marijuanabusinessnews.com/MedicalMarijua… #Time4Hemp #change #press #mmot #mmj #p2
If you have or are going into a hemp business, do a lot of vetting of your investors & associates. Greed can trip you up. #Time4Hemp #change
Keep having parties & fun & understand we are hemping to make the world better. Debbie Goldsberry #Time4Hemp #change #economy #marijuana #p2
Cannna-business can succeed in an empowering way by modeling itself as counter culture to the greed economic model #Time4Hemp #change #mmot
'Hemp sharks are swimming with lots of investment capital. Many will rape or eat you alive. Beware" Debbie Goldsberry #Time4Hemp #economy
'If we are not careful, Mom & Pop hemp shops will be shut, legislated out of business.' Debby Goldsberry #Time4Hemp #change #press #media
'Hemp will help us return to happy single earner family model when used as a Mom & Pop industry.' Debby Goldsberry: #Time4Hemp #change #jobs
A plant by any other name is still called illegal which is why industrial, medical & recreational hemp should unite. #Time4Hemp #change #mmj
How To Start A Marijuana Dispensary - Sacramento, CAmanta.com/c/mwzj23d/how-… #change #marijuana #mmot #mmj #press #hemp #drugwar #Time4Hemp #p2
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