Anoint yourself with hempseed oil during the holiday seasons.
One of my favorite books is a little volume called INVOKING YOUR CELESTIAL GUARDIANS by Solara.
One of my favorite books is a little volume called INVOKING YOUR CELESTIAL GUARDIANS by Solara.
The opening of the book has a very powerful line:
"If you seek to be one of the Chosen, simply choose yourself!"
I was speaking with the great American Hemp Warrior, Sister Somayah Kambui of Los Angeles, CA about her new, exciting product line of hemp seed oil. Sister Somayah is a long term sickle cell survivor and hemp is a big part of her strategy for success in dealing with the condition.
Hemp dramatically reduces stress and helps heal not only the body, but the soul too. Many Rastas refer to hemp as "Heaven's Gate." Let's use it to enter.
Consider, during your year end celebrations, finding some quiet time to be alone with your Creator. After the presents, foods and family prayers, slip away. Go into your quiet place and, using hemp seed oil, anoint yourself on your third eye (between your eyebrows) with prayer, meditation, and a commitment to be your best self. Create your own ritual.
For example, I celebrate Kwanzaa. So on the last day, I'll re-anoint myself with hemp seed oil to be the best person I can be in the coming year and beyond. Happy Hemp.
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